Rock on baby!

Yesterday I took a wander up to the Rock Radio “Two Rivers Rock Festival” in Paisley. The weather was great and the rain held off for the whole day.

The music was great too (other than a couple of acts I was less than impressed by) the highlights for me being:

Komodo who opened the show, got the day off to a great start.

The Loud and Proud Orchestra were awesome, the young kids really got the crowd going with their set.

Charger were great too, I have no idea why they didn’t collapse with heatstroke jumping around in the crazy wigs, lol.

The Virginmarys put on a great set, with the drumer up front on stage it was an impressive 3 piece group.

And of course the headliners Gun brought the day to an excellent close. I did take lots of pictures and I’m sure I’ll put some online soon.

After the music finished I headed into Glasgow to catch up with workmates for Stevie Graham’s leaving night. It was a good night too but Stevie never showed. I wouldn’t like to be him when he surfaces… lol.

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